DIY Heart Envelopes
Heart Envelopes for Your Valentine’s
With Valentine’s Day coming up, we’ve been brainstorming ways to spread a little more love. So we thought, what better way to do it than making Valentine’s for the people you love?!
We made this heart envelope tutorial to help jazz up your notes. And if you want to make it a little more fun, we suggest making your envelopes with double-sided gift wrap so that you get a little pattern on both sides. Then, just seal it up, and send your note on its way!
P.S. If you want to see a video tutorial, visit us on Pinterest here.
Here’s what you’ll need:
– Printed template
– Gift wrap
– Scissors
– Tape (to seal your envelope)
– A 3x4” note to that special someone ;)
How to make it:
1. Print out template, and cut out along solid lines. Use template to make heart shape out of gift wrap.
2. Use template as a guide to fold the outsides of the heart to the center along the dotted lines.
3. Then, fold the top of the heart towards the point of the heart along the dotted line to make the envelope pocket.
4. Now, fold the point of the heart down along the dotted line to make the envelope flap.
5. Slide your note into the envelope, seal with some cute washi tape, and send on its way!
We can’t wait to see what you create! Tag us on instagram @marchpartygoods with the hashtag #MakeWithMarch or share with us by email at